What type of curriculum? Where are the teachers from? How many students per class? These are all valid questions when considering a school and we address them each time we have school visits. These factors help shape the way that our students will study and learn. However, at the end of that day, above all else - all we (parents, teachers, students, and staff alike) all want is for there kids to be safe and in a safe environment.
To this end, we have features such as a yearly fire drill and all classrooms are quipped with CCTV to record and monitor the daily activities.
Recently, some of our teachers had the opportunity to study kids CPR, first aid, and basic life support training program at Samitivej Hospital.
Teachers learned theory behind the techniques, the techniques themselves, and then finally had time to do hands on training in the practical section of the course. Lead by the excellent, Dr. Anjana Sachabudhawong, we were introduced to the following skill sets:
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation with Practice Session
First Aid for fainting and head injuries
Care for allergic reaction, febrile seizure
Care for nose bleeding
Care for muscular and bone Injuries
Drowning and Choking
First Aid for Wound Care
Contusion Wound – Burn Wound
Abrasion Wound – Animal Bite Wound
Cut Wound - Avulsion Wound
Care of Wound with Bleeding
It was an excellent training session and owe thank Dr. Sachabudhawong and her team at Samitivej Hospital for the great program. Armed with this knowledge, we feel more confident in creating a safe environment for our students.