By Teacher Iola

The following is a conversation from K1 Mountain class with illustrations telling us the children’s thoughts and ideas about how and where shadows are made at night.
Teacher Peeti: Who needs a shadow?
Mei: Everyone
Teacher Peeti: What about clouds and cloud animals?
Everyone: Yes.
Teacher Peeti: Can you tell me again how clouds make shadows?
Mei: The sun and clouds, but the sun touches the arm but there's a shadow.
Lily: Or the sun kisses on the cheek and there's a shadow.
Teacher Peeti: So it works by touch and kissing? Anything else?
Romie: Mixing up. Like in a bowl (makes a stirring gesture).
Teacher Peeti: That is interesting. What does everyone else think?
Eiji: Sun comes with all the shadows.
Teacher Peeti: The sun brings shadows to us?
Eiji: yes. They come together.
Lily: I think it's the kissing on the cheek.
Teacher Peeti: What about the clouds at night? Is it different?
Lily: Yes, that is a monster. They do the shadows. It is dark and very black.
Teacher Peeti: Why is it black?
Lily: Teacher, because it is the night.
The children are really coming up with some fantastic theories about shadow production processes and the whole learning about the nature of shadows.